This is the last beach post! I promise!
We went to Broadway at the Beach a bunch of times. Here is Parker riding the dinosaur.
Parker encountered a "real" dinosaur!

The dinosaur posed for a picture. He was extra-friendly, despite the sharp teeth!
Here is our old, old friend "The Big Green Doggy". When Parker was very young, he thought this dragon looked like a big, green doggy. We've always called it that, and seeing him continues to be one of the highlights of every beach vacation.

Parker and Claire rode rides several different nights. When I was growing up, there was an amusement park called The Pavilion right on Ocean Blvd that was one of the best parts of Myrtle Beach. It was just tradition. Plain and simple tradition. I think most of you know how I feel about tradition (I love it) and change (I hate it)! A couple of years ago, The Pavilion was totally torn down. Oh, they warned us the year before with signs everywhere that said "One last memory, one last ride". I was heartbroken. So, so heartbroken. There may have even been some tears involved.
A few of the rides were moved to Broadway at the Beach and called "The Pavilion Nostalgia Park". It's not the same, but it's better than nothing I suppose. I'll miss you forever, Rainbow Ride, my love.
Parker and Claire loved the rides! 
Parker even loved the "big" swings!

One night, they had a band playing before the fireworks. Parker has never met a dance floor he didn't boogie on! Oh yes, he can drop it like it's hot!

There is a new place with tons of really nice restaurants and shops that we went to one night.
Parker and Claire's favorite part was the ice cream!
We woke up to this one morning...
Pool fun!
Brian celebrated his birthday on our trip.
Brian's birthday breakfast
These are possibly my favorite pictures of Claire ~ EVER!