Friday, May 23, 2014

Happy 11th Birthday Parker!

Where has the time gone? This little guy is 11 years old! We had a special dinner at home to celebrate on Parker's actual birthday. He requested poppyseed chicken, macaroni & cheese, and oreo extravaganza.

We love you Parker and are so blessed to have you!
Parker's Birthday Interview
1. What is your favorite color? green
2. Who is your best friend? Colton
3. What is your favorite thing to do? play Minecraft and iPad
4. What is your favorite food? poppyseed chicken
5. What do you like to do with your family? go on trips
6. What is your favorite toy? iPad
7. What do you want to be when you grow up? rapper
8. What makes you happy? playing Minecraft and going on trips
9. What makes you sad? when you take the iPad away (I see a pattern here...)
10. What is your favorite show to watch? Sam and Cat
11. What is your favorite book? Arkham Unhinged, Minecraft books
12. What do you love to learn about? Minecraft, sea animals, Jesus
13. Where do you like to go? Myrtle Beach, Disney World, Wallabies, Nana's house , Grandma & Granddad's house
14. What do you think about before you fall asleep? scenes from shows
15. If you could meet someone famous who would it be? Macklemore
16. What is something you are really good at? Minecraft, swimming
17. What is something new you'd like to try? wrestling
18. What is your favorite song to sing? Thrift Shop
19. What is your favorite movie? Despicable Me 2
20. What game do you like to play? Minecraft (of course), Hide & Seek Tag, Capture the Flag

Sunday, May 11, 2014

And Then Monday Came...

It was Mother's Day, and the weather was gorgeous. Just like today, it was May 11, but my life was about to change. Forever. 

Eleven years ago. It was 2003, but feels like yesterday. My skin was stretched farther and tighter than I ever dreamed possible. I hadn't slept through the night in months. Even my maternity clothes were getting snug. I was two whole days overdue and feeling every second of it.

As much as I couldn't wait to meet my baby boy in person, I knew I would miss feeling those strong kicks and seeing my belly roll from side to side. Brand new life was growing inside me, and I couldn't get over the miracle of it all.

So I went to church on that beautiful day wondering every other minute if this could be the moment when it all would begin. It was technically my first Mother's Day, and I treasured it. The day moved on, and it became clear that he wasn't planning to make his appearance into the world on that special Sunday.

But then Monday came...