The snow has arrived...and it's not leaving! We went through all of January and part of February with zero snow. I was seriously about to give up for good. Then all of the sudden, here it came! Lots and lots of snow. We were out of school every day last week. Then we went to school Monday, and we haven't been back since.
The kids have LOVED playing outside almost every day with neighborhood friends.
We also had to finish up a science project last week. Have I ever told you how much I hate science projects??? Yes, hate is a strong word. And yes, it fits in regards to science projects. Ugh!
Somebody had a bath. He hates it! And yes, he would want me to tell you that hate is an appropriate word choice. Just look at his says it all!Q
We made cookies from scratch when the temperature was below zero and too cold to play outside.
The snow is really pretty, and I'm so thankful for snow days!