Saturday, September 24, 2011

Just In Time For Fall

We used to have a wood burning fire pit, but eventually it got old.  It broke, and we didn't replace it for a few years.  We decided that we missed it too much, so we got a new gas one just in time for fall. 

We are really enjoying it!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Watch Out Giada

Claire enjoys pretending to have her own cooking show.  She asks me to video the show on my phone.

Oh, and she comes with her own bodyguard!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

More Cheering!

The cheerleaders have started doing a half-time cheer out on the field.  So cute!  They really are pretty good to be so little!

(Claire's in the very center of the picture.)
Megan came to watch!

Looking forward to the next game on Saturday...word on the street is that the cheerleaders are doing a half-time dance.  

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Playing School

Claire plays school all the time.  I spent my whole childhood playing school, so I'm excited to see her enjoying it too!  I always get so tickled at "who" she chooses for her students.

 Pretty Little Thing, Poodlena, Doggy, and Princess Piggy Bank (please ignore the stained and dirty carpet)
 Pretty Little Thing and Poodlena must have been retained because they are back again.  It also looks like she found some new students from Parker's toys. 
 Take special note of that raccoon chasing a ball.
 Marshmallow man with some kind of plastic thing on his head. 
It's so fun to listen to her "teach"!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Performance & Award

Claire was part of the spectacular Kindergarten performance at the PTA program the other night at school.  

She also enjoyed showing off her artwork that was on display.
Parker got a very special award at the meeting too.  His artwork was chosen to be part of the school cookbook that is being created.  Of course, I'm not at all surprised because he is an amazing artist!

They were very excited to have Nana there to see them perform and receive the award.
I'm so very proud of them!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Meet Robert

We have a new little friend at our house.  This is Robert the Caterpillar.  We've had him for a couple of weeks and have enjoyed taking care of him.

Saturday morning, we came downstairs to find him hanging in his "J" so we knew the time was near for him to change into his cocoon. 

Finally, it happened....(more pictures to come)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Claire cheered at another football game on Saturday.  This time they even did a half time show on the field.  She did great!!!

 Case and Brian were inseparable in the stands.  Very sweet!
 McDonald's for lunch

Another fun day!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Labor Day Weekend 2011

 Friday night we went to Italian Village ~YAHOO! Delicious!

 Then went home to give little Maxaroni and Cheese a bath.
 Saturday and Sunday we spent a lot of time visiting with Brian's aunt and uncle from Lexington.  They brought their granddaughter Nina, so the kids loved playing and swimming with her for two days.

Just Dance

 Max spent a little time relaxing with his Daddy.
 Sunday evening, we went to Mark and Amy's with a bunch of family.  A few family members missed Parker and Claire's baptism, so they wanted to see it.  Amy even got them a special baptism present and made a special dessert for the occasion.

 Andy and Miriam were in town too! (I spent a lot of time holding that little angel Lucy Cate!)
Random picture of kids swimming...I can't get it to go back in the right spot up there!
Hope your Labor Day was lovely!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Claire the Cheerleader

Claire cheered at her first football game last Saturday.  She loved it of course!

(She also lost a tooth the night before!)

 Wonder what they're talking about...

They had so much fun even though it was 95 degrees! Go Titans!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Last Weekend

The baptism was definitely the highlight of our weekend, but we had some other fun events too.  Friday night, we enjoyed some night swimming.  Our swim time is limited, so we're enjoying it while we can.

 Parker & Claire have been asking to sleep downstairs in the family room.  We finally agreed on Friday night.  We TOTALLY expected that they wouldn't last more than an hour or so down there by themselves.  Parker was very apprehensive, but stuck it out because he knew how badly his sister wanted to spend the night downstairs.  Besides one 1:30 a.m. adventure (that I slept through) to go to the bathroom ~ both of them ~ it all went very smoothly.
 Saturday, we went to Asheville for the day.  Brian took the kids to play at Chuck E. Cheese while I went to the mall and my beloved Home Goods.  Then we went downtown for dinner.  We ate at a cute little restaurant called Mayfel's.  It was really good!
 We even had beignets!
 Then we walked around for a while.
 There was a church singing and doing a flag/dance presentation.  We stopped to watch it for a while.
 I'm always happy to see these little people being so sweet to each other unprompted.

 Of course, it eventually turned into this...but it was nice while it lasted!