We had a wonderful Easter celebrating the fact that Jesus is Alive!

Parker's favorite treat in his basket was his "four packs of bubblegum".

They immediately tore into the treats!

And then washed down all that candy with some doughnut holes (courtesy of Nana)

We went to church with my family at Believer's Church.
Claire with my Dad and Amanda

Claire and me

Parker with my brother Mark

Parker and Claire with Aunt Amy

and with my Mom

Then we went to Grandma and Granddad's for lunch and an egg hunt

Parker found bunches of eggs

Then we went to visit with my family and had yet another egg hunt

All the baskets are so full of candy and eggs, they had to use plastic bags!

Parker said he was carrying his eggs like a "hobo"

It was a beautiful day with gorgeous weather!
I love thier Easter outfits!! Parker is so handsome and Claire is beautiful!!
The kids looked fantastic in the Easter clothes. It looks like you had a beautiful day!
Oh my gosh. Could your kids get any cuter? No. I love their outfits. Hope to see you soon!
Your family is BEAUTIFUL! I love all of the pictures. It looks like you guys had a very blessed day indeed.
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