I clearly remember the day I found out I was expecting you. I was so overwhelmed with joy! I had always wanted to be a mommy, and my dream was coming true. I remember my pregnancy was wonderful. I loved feeling you move in my tummy and couldn't wait until I could meet you. Finally, the big day arrived. You were born on May 12, 2003 at 6:07 pm. You weighed 8 pounds and 2 ounces and were 20 inches long. The biggest surprise of all was your red hair. I don't know why I was so surprised since red hair definitely runs in my family. I just expected you to have dark hair like Daddy.
From the day you arrived, you have been loved by so many people. Your sweet personality and humor win people over right away. Your personality is best described as extreme. You are either extremely happy or extremely sad. You love things to be planned out perfectly, and then everyone must follow the plan. You don't like change at all! You are super organized and always keep everything in it's place. We recognized your artistic abilities at an early age. You draw exceptionally well for your age. Your imagination continues to blow me away! Your drawings are so detailed and well-planned. You are definitely gifted in that area. You are also so musically talented. You sing well (which you don't get from me) and have a natural rhythm. You are intense and keep me on my toes. You challenge me every day!
I thank Jesus every day for the privilege of being your mother. I love you with a love I didn't even know existed six years ago. As I always tell you, if I could pick any little boy in the whole world, I'd pick you! You are my precious pumpkinhead, and I will always adore you!
I love your letter to Parker! It is so sweet and someday he will really appreciate it. I also love all the pictures of him!
He's a cutie Michele!
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