Saturday, November 24, 2012

November Stuff

I am catching up on all of these random pictures before I post our Thanksgiving stuff.  So here you go!

Pinterest gave me the idea of a pizza quesadilla.  One weekend night we threw them together for a quick meal.  They turned out pretty good!
 We've had some cold evenings here and there, so there has been some cuddling under blankets.
The first cups of hot chocolate of the season were consumed as well.

 Naps were taken.
 Little people stole my phone.
 Santa was spotted at the mall.

 Brian made his first ever French onion soup.  It was as good as any restaurant ever thought about being.  Seriously, look at that cheese.
 Claire's class had a Thanksgiving feast that parents were invited to attend.  

 They performed several songs and poems.

Then we all danced!
 Lisa and I went to see Breaking Dawn (Part 2) as part of her birthday festivities.  Here she is holding "the official birthday bag".  We can't even remember how many years we've been passing this bag back and forth for each other's birthdays.  She has the BIG responsibility of keeping up with it from November until the next October.  I am fortunate to only have to NOT LOSE it for the month and a half that it's in my care.  Honestly, that bag is probably more special at this point that the various gifts that have been inside it over the years.  Happy Birthday Lisa!

1 comment:

Christi said...

Those pizza quesadillas look so good. I loved Breaking Dawn Part 2 I am so sad there is not another movie. Love reading your blog!