Sunday, January 11, 2009


We had a great day! We went to church this morning. Here are Parker and Claire posing sweetly when we got home.
And here are the silly faces that they insisted on doing

This afternoon, I finally saw this...

And then had some of this...
(Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate ~ I'm not a coffee drinker)

Then I did this...

And then we got in the hot tub for a while. The kids always love it!

It was a fun day (everything except the treadmill)!
Hope your weekend was wonderful!


Nicole said...

I funny...we got in the hot tub too!!! That was the first time we have let them in it and I was so worried. I have always heard that it is dangerous for children. Do you limit their time? I read on the Internet 15-20 max and no more than 104 temp...ours is set at 102...

Nicole said...

I meant to say how funny! You can tell it's MONDAY...ugh!