Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I May Have Mislead You A Little

My hair really isn't dark brown at all.  In fact, NOBODY has even noticed the change except the people I told to please notice it.  So, everybody just calm down for cryin' out loud. 

I finally updated the other blog, but let me assure you that Phoebe continues to be difficult.  I think she knows her days are numbered around here anyway.  I had to email all of the pictures individually to myself then download and save them all.  Ridiculous. 

Last night, I made lasagna.

Enough said.

(Two days until Spring Break!)


Rachael said...

Looks pretty cheesy!!

Michele said...

Layers and layers of cheese! I thought of you ~ should have invited you!

Michele said...

Layers and layers of cheese! I thought of you ~ should have invited you!