Our weekend started when friends and the ice cream truck stopped by around the same time! I wonder how many more Friday nights that ice cream truck with come through before summer officially ends.
This is how Saturday morning started. Pretty typical actually.
The King and Queen have arrived!
This is how I found Juliet on Saturday morning. I guess that's how Claire solved the problem of Juliet staring at her during the night and "freaking her out".
Later on Saturday, Brian took the kids swimming while I went to the grocery store. It was raining, but they didn't care!

Max performed his lifeguarding duties in the rain like nobody's business!
I also had to go to a funeral for one of my sweet student's mother. She had been sick for such a long time, but I am heartbroken for that precious six year old who is now without her mommy. Please pray for her and her family. (It sure puts that rough day I had last week in perspective.)
This morning, we taught Parker and Claire's class. Parker helped Mr. Terry with the Bible story.
Then Brian and I worked with the K-2 small group.
After church, we went to lunch at Logan's with a bunch of family.
Then while we were resting for a few minutes this afternoon, this happened. Never a dull moment. Never.
The weather was beautiful tonight. We practiced tennis for a long time and enjoyed being outside.
Now we are just getting ready for the week and watching Peyton play for Denver! Looking forward to a great week!
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