Saturday, March 15, 2014

What I've Been Reading...

It's been quite a while since I've done an update on what I've been reading.  I actually read quite a bit believe or not.  Finding the time is the main problem, but I really enjoy it.  I mostly enjoy nonfiction books, but an occasional fiction book suits my fancy too.

Quite a while back (like last summer) I read Loving Frank.  It's based on the life of Frank Lloyd Wright.  To be honest, I didn't really like it.  It just didn't end well.  Since it holds pretty close to the actual story of his life, I guess the ending just is what it is.  Or was what it was I suppose.  So, I really don't recommend it.  If you want to read it anyway after that glowing review, here you go! Ha!

There's also been a big slew of books that I either started and didn't finish OR skimmed through and read parts that looked interesting.  For example,

I can't remember why I read some of this one.  Quite possibly, it was recommended on a random blog that I came across.  That's where I get most of my book recommendations.  I only read part of it.  There was a little bit of bad language, and it just didn't really fit my interests at the time.  But if you must, here you go!

Then for some reason that I don't even understand myself I read two books about the Kennedy family.  Come to the Edge was about John F. Kennedy Jr. and his girlfriend.  It was pretty interesting. 

Once Upon a Secret was interesting to read too.  It's written by one of JFK's supposed mistresses.  Of course, he's not here to back up (or deny) her story, but it sure sounded convincing! Also, you should know I am fairly naive and easily convinced.

Then the teacher in me read (parts of) these two books: Hope Against Hope and The Smartest Kids in the World

Both were informative, especially for those of us who work in education.

Somewhere along the way, someone recommended Girlfriends to me.  I'm always interested in the topic of friendship, so I read some of it too.  It was ok but didn't keep my attention very well.

Of course, there have been lots of cookbooks.  I ALWAYS read cookbooks.  In fact, it's kind of an obsession with me.  I own way too many, and I love to read them.  I read them like a novel.  It's a little disturbing.  I'm sure it all just links back to my crazy love of food.

So recently, I got on an Ina Garten kick.  I'm sure she's a lovely lady and chef, but she was just never one of my favorites.  I think she just seemed a little fancy for my little East Tennessee self.  Since I try hard not to get above my raisin' (because my brother Mike likes to remind me not to), I had never read any of her books.

Then I checked them out at the library.  And read them all.  There are eight.  And yes,  I read them all. I kept checking out the next one and then the next until Brian finally asked, "So what in the world is up with all the Ina lately?"  Ask me how many of her recipes from those eight cookbooks I've actually made.  On second thought, don't.

I also read parts of these two cookbooks too.

I read most of Anne Lamott's Traveling Mercies.  I didn't get to finish it because I renewed it the maximum number of times at the library, and the mean library ladies made me return it.  (They aren't really mean.  In fact, they know me by name because I am in there so much.  I also check out lots of books that I use in my classroom, and they have my number on speed dial to tell me my books are in! I'm pretty sure I keep the local library in business.)

I haven't read this one yet, but it's already on my nightstand.  So many writers I am familiar with have recommended it.  I am not a great writer by a long stretch, but I am interested...

Now, we need to talk about Bread & Wine.  Again, it was a book that I heard about from various blogs I read.  I just can't say enough about this book.  I loved it.  Loved. It. I had checked it out from the library instead of buying it.  Again, I renewed it the maximum times before my library friends pried it from my hands.  I'm going to stop here because it deserves it's own post. So stay tuned...

I fell so in love with Shauna Niequist (see above) that I ordered my own copy of Bread & Wine as well as two of her other books (below).  I can't wait to read them!

I just finished Quitter today! I've been familiar with Jon Acuff for quite a while.  I read his first book and follow his blog.  He's a hilarious writer!

This is another one of his that I have already checked out and hope to read soon.

I couldn't wait to read The Antelope in the Living Room.  I've read Melanie's blog for years.  I was excited to meet her back in the fall.  She was just precious in person too!  Seriously y'all, I laughed out loud over and over again while I read it.  I finished it in one day because it was just that good. Her first book was just as funny, so I knew I wouldn't be disappointed. I highly recommend it.

I also bought Love Does recently, but I haven't started it yet.  Unless, of course, you count the times I've read big chunks while sitting in Barnes and Noble.  I have my highlighter ready and seriously can't wait!

When I ordered Love Does, I also ordered Hands Free Mama.  I "previewed" it at B&N too, and I can tell it will be right up my alley.

On the fiction front, these are next on my list: 

What Alice Forgot is about a women who wakes up from a fall to realize she's forgotten ten or so years of her life.  I actually started it a while back then got side-tracked by some other books.  Then the library ladies came calling.  As usual.  So I've checked it back out, but I have so many others currently in progress or waiting in the wings.  I hope I can get to it before they make me give it back. 

(Sidenote: When I started reading it, I had a dream that I couldn't remember important people and events in my life.  It was scary, so I hope finishing it won't make me have more scary dreams!)

I also already have this one checked out, but I doubt I'll get to it in time.  We'll see!

Oh, and this one too.  I've checked it out at least twice before this time.  I still haven't started it, but I keep getting it because so many people have said it's great.

And last, but oh so not least, there's Restless.  I am in the middle of this one now, and it is rocking my world.  When I first heard about it, I knew I needed to read it.  I'm SO GLAD that I am.  Most days I only read one chapter.  Since I'm using it to go along with my Bible study time, I am really taking my time with it.  I want to let it all sink in and am praying that God will really use this book to speak to me in some specific ways.  Like I said, I haven't finished it yet, but I really love it so far.

I think that just about catches me up on my reading list. Whew!

So, what have you been reading lately? I'd love some more ideas for books I should read!

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