Monday, March 16, 2009

And you thought I was kidding...

Calling all prayer warriors!

It's strawberry night!

Update 7:25 pm

Imagine the tiniest sliver of strawberry you can smothered in chocolate dip. That's what Parker finally swallowed after he gagged and cried and gagged and cried. That's all I had the energy for tonight. There better be a few extra jewels in my heavenly crown. On second thought, maybe my crown could be made of bacon. Now that's a reward!


Faith said...

OK, How is it going? It is now 6:50 and I hope Parker LOVED them. Did you dip them in chocolate?

Betsy said...

Oh no! Bless your heart. Hmmmm...I wonder why he has decided he doesn't like fruit??? Especially dipped in chocolate!! I think there is a book by Jerry Seinfeld's wife about how to disguise vegetables if your kids won't eat them???

Sorry you're having such a hard time!

LisaLisa said...

A bacon crown...hmmm...can't even think of anything to say about that! Haha! You are funny! I am just flabbergasted about this...I could see if it were brussels sprouts or asparagus, but strawberries?!? Fruit?!? I simply can't believe you'd have a picky child. Not in a million years... ;)

Becky said...

I love this. Well, not for you. But for me on the other end. Because I get to laugh at your posts. My word. Way too funny. (But not in the moment I am sure!)