Monday, May 21, 2012

Monday Night With Two Matthews

I'm tired, and I'm still awake at 10:45.  That's late for a Mamaw on a school night.  So you get a list:

1. Tomorrow is the last day of school.  WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!

2. Dancing With The Stars was good tonight.  Tomorrow is the finale, and I seriously don't know who I want to win.  I don't even know who I think might win.  What is wrong with me?

3. I am really enjoying The Bachelorette.  So far, and I'm sure they haven't released all of the crazy yet, I really like Ryan.  He reminds me A LOT of Matthew McConaughey.  In case you're wondering, that is a very good thing.  I am quite fond of Matthew.

4. Friday night's pizza crust was seriously the best ever! I think we are on to something! (And by we, I mean B)

5. We have been contacted by several different folks from Ree's "entourage".  We have our flight arrangements confirmed.  It seriously looks like this trip to the ranch is really going to happen.  I am still in shock.  Also, I have absolutely no idea what I'm going to wear.  I want to look cute-ish, but she keeps talking about horses and horse poo.  Uh oh!

6. I need to find a Pinterest board with this title: Looking Cute While Standing In Horse Poo

7. I am totally out of my giant fire balls.  I usually have one with my dark chocolate every night as a little treat.  I had to buy a bag of tiny, little, baby Value Time fire balls to get me through.  They are SO not a suitable substitute.  So I need my supplier to come through for me...soon.  Hint, Hint.

8. I recently rediscovered a long, lost love ~  Love Spell body wash from Victoria's Secret.  It has been about 11 years since I last used it.  I've fallen in love all over again.  It kind of smells like Hawaiian Punch! I know that probably sounds weird, but just trust me.  There's just one little thing...Claire has discovered it too.  Now I have an empty bottle.  I don't have a Love Spell supplier as of yet, but I'm currently taking applications.

9. Oh my goodness! I'm still watching The Bachelorette, and Emily just said she thinks this Joe guy looks like Matthew McConaughey! Now that I look at him, he does a little.  Not as much as Ryan though.

10. It's 11:11, and I need to go to bed! Did I mention that tomorrow is the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL???

(UPDATE: She just sent Matthew #2 home.  Goodbye Joe!)

1 comment:

Christi said...

I am loving watching the Bachelorette too! I think Emily is so pretty and sweet. I hope she finds her Prince Charming! Ha!